The Entire 2011-2012 Annual Report In A Single Adobe Acrobat Document


Introduction. Gil J. Stein
In Memoriam: Eleanor Guralnick
In Memoriam: Cissy Haas
In Memoriam: Donald Oster


Çadir Höyük. Gregory McMahon
Center For Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes (CAMEL). Scott Branting
Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD). François Gaudard And Janet H. Johnson
Chicago Hittite Dictionary (CHD). Theo Van Den Hout
Diyala Project. Clemens Reichel
Epigraphic Survey. W. Raymond Johnson
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project. Mark Lehner
Hamoukar. Clemens Reichel
Heaven On Earth. Deena Ragavan
Islamic Archeaology And The Oriental Institute. Tasha Vorderstrasse And Donald Whitcomb
Jericho Mafjar Project. Donald Whitcomb
Kerkenes Dag Project. Scott Branting
Marj Rabba. Yorke M. Rowan
Mummy Label Database (MLD). François Gaudard
Nippur. Mcguire Gibson
Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition (OINE). Bruce Williams
Pathways To Power. Gil J. Stein
Persepolis Fortification Archive Project. Matthew W. Stolper
Tell Edfu. Nadine Moeller and Gregory Marouard


Individual Research 2011-2012


Computer Laboratory. John C. Sanders
Electronic Resources. John C. Sanders
Integrated Database Project. Scott Branting, John Sanders, Wendy Ennes, Angela Spinazze, Helen Mcdonald, Susan Allison, Foy Scalf, And Jack Green
Ochre Data Project. Sandra R. Schloen
Publications Office. Thomas G. Urban
Research Archives. Foy Scalf
Tablet Collection. Andrew Dix


  • Special Exhibits. Emily Teeter
  • Publicity and Marketing. Emily Teeter
  • Registration. Helen McDonald and Susan Allison
  • Archives. John A. Larson
  • Conservation. Laura D'Alessandro
  • Prep Shop. Erik Lindahl
  • Suq. Denise Browning
  • Photography. Anna R. Ressman
Museum. Jack Green


Public Education: Carole Krucoff
Volunteer Program: Catherine Duenas and Terry Friedman


Development. Steve Camp
Visiting Committee.
Membership. Amy Weber
Special Events. Meghan A. Winston
Honor Roll.


Faculty and Staff of the Oriental Institute