May 13, 2009
7:00 pm, Breasted Hall

Scott Redford, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey

Co-Sponsored by the University of Chicago Department of Art History

Recent excavations and surveys in Israel, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, and other countries of the eastern Mediterranean have uncovered a wealth of information about trade, warfare, diet, and other aspects of daily life during the time of the Crusades (12-13th cs CE). This lecture will use archaeological and art historical data to examine trends and issues relating to the study of the Crusades in the eastern Mediterranean. Specifically, it will look at what we can say about the interaction between peoples of different faiths at this time. Is is possible to talk about Crusader settlements as colonies? How can the material cultural record furnish clues relating to these issues?

This event is free, open to the public, with reception to follow. Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation in order to participate in this event should contact the event sponsor for assistance.