A recent article published by Oriental Institute scholars Robert Ritner and Nadine Moeller provided updated results on their ongoing research concerning Bronze Age chronology (see previous news article). The article focuses on a new interpretation of the "Ahmose Tempest Stela" and new radiocarbon dates for the Thera eruption.

Robert K. Ritner and Nadine Moeller. "The Ahmose Tempest Stela: An Ancient Egyptian Account of a Natural Catastrophe." In Egyptian Curses 1 : Proceedings of the Egyptological Day Held at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Rome, 3rd December 2012. AHMES (Archaeological Heritage and Multicisciplinary Egyptological Studies) 1. Rome: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico, 2014, 63-81.