Gary M. Beckman, Professor of Hittite and Mesopotamian Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
A historian of the ancient Near East, he has published widely on Hittite religion and on Hittite social organization and diplomacy. He also compiled two catalogues of the Old Babylonian cuneiform tablets held by the Babylonian Collection of Yale University. The focus of his current research is the reception and adaptation of Syro-Mesopotamian culture by the Hittites.

H. Craig Melchert, A. Richard Diebold Professor of Indo-European Studies and Professor of Linguistics, Emeritus, UCLA.
A specialist in the Indo-European languages of ancient Anatolia, he is the author of Anatolian Historical Phonology (Rodopi 1994), A Dictionary of the Lycian Language (Beechstave 2004), and A Grammar of the Hittite Language with Harry A. Hoffner, Jr. (Eisenbrauns 2008).  He is also the editor of The Luwians (Brill 2003), and authored numerous articles on the grammar and historical linguistic aspects of the Anatolian languages.

Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Gernot Wilhelm, President of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz; Lehrstuhl für Altorientalistik Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Germany (Emeritus).
His research focus and many publications cover the history and culture of the ancient Near East in the second millennium B.C.; Hurrian and Urartian language; peripheral Akkadian (especially Nuzi); Hittite history and (Hurro-)Hittite religion.